The Politics of COVID-19, Readings #46
The most important contributions on the political, economic, and social effects of the unfolding crisis.
After two months of producing a daily edition of this newsletter, we have decided to raise the quality bar a bit.
Thus, we’ll post new links once or twice a week.
We will keep posting many more new pieces in our searchable archive (11000 items).
Don’t forget about our podcasts.
And do check our main syllabi.
History in an Epidemic [Video]
David S. Jones | Harvard University
Painting an Epidemic: An Interview with Li Zhong
Tricontinental Institute for Social Research
La folla e il contagio [Italian]
Emilio Gardini | Antinomie
Sobre el derecho a sufrir [Spanish]
Santiago Alba Rico | CTXT
Pipistrelli e epidemie vecchie e nuove [Italian]
Vito Teti | Doppiozero
Big Brother Can’t Save Us from Coronavirus
Nicole Aschoff | Tribune Magazine
Grundrechte: "Kein Grundrecht gilt grenzenlos" [German]
Jürgen Habermas | Die Zeit
El desafío a la libertad de expresión en tiempos de pandemia [Video - Spanish]
Mayte Carrasco | La Casa Encendida
Podcast Guilhotina #68 – Boaventura de Sousa Santos [Podcast - Portuguese]
Boaventura de Sousa Santos | Podcast Guilhotina
Why America Can Make Semiconductors But Not Swabs
Dan Wang | Bloomberg
The age of green money
Thomas Piketty | Le Monde
Feeding People Because They Are Hungry
Michael Lipsky | The American Prospect
Public Health
New Pandemic, Old Story
Ana V. Diez Roux | Brooklyn Rail
Fearing Covid-19, Heart Attack And Stroke Patients Delay Care
Will Stone, Elly Yu | Undark
Preparedness and Unpreparedness: The Military vs. Medicine
Meredith Rosenthal, David S. Jones | Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics
COVID-19 e la cura con il plasma: i casi studio nel mondo, cosa si sa finora della sua efficacia e dei suoi limiti [Italian]
Andrea Zitelli | Valigia Blu
Como a covid-19 fomentou a maior corrida por vacina da história [Portuguese]
Camilo Rocha | Nexo Jornal
Social Toll
How Racism Is Shaping the Coronavirus Pandemic
Isaac Chotiner | The New Yorker
AMLO and Mexico’s Femicides
Lorena Rios Trevino | Jacobin
COVID-19 Took Black Lives First. It Didn’t Have To.
Duaa Eldeib | ProPublica
À l'école : que faire après le virus ? [French]
François Dubet | Esprit
Our weird behavior during the pandemic is screwing with AI models
Will Douglas Heaven | MIT Technology Review
Kontaktverfolgung gegen Infektionen: Apple und Google geben bei Corona-Apps den Staaten die Regeln vor [German]
Stephan Scheuer et al. | Handelsblatt
Riesgos e incertidumbres en las aplicaciones para el rastreo de contagios [Spanish]
El Salto
Big data et coronavirus : une question de santé publique ? [French]
Lucas Malaspina | Contretemps
Public Sphere
A Foucauldian enquiry in the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic management
Gerasimos Kakoliris | Critical Legal Thinking
Life as Commons
Stavros Stavrides | Undisciplined Environments
Armin Nassehi: Die Tragik des Protestes [German]
Richard Sennett: “El liberalismo ha debilitado nuestra red de salvación” [Spanish]
Carmen Pérez-Lanzac | El País
Peter Sloterdijk: “O regresso à frivolidade não vai ser fácil” [Portuguese]
Ana Carbajosa | El País Brasil
Class & Labour
Under Cover of Mass Death, Andrew Cuomo Calls in the Billionaires to Build a High-Tech Dystopia
Naomi Klein | The Intercept
Delivering Food in a Pandemic
Caterina Morbiato | Jacobin
Sind sie zu stark, bist du zu schwach [German]
Winfried Veit | IPG Journal
The COVID-19 Crisis and the End of the "Low-skilled" Worker
Mark Bergfeld, Sarah Farris | Spectre Journal
Stretched, secret supply chains hold Covid-19 patients' lives in the balance
Madlen Davies | The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
As quatro pandemias do capitalismo [Portuguese]
Luis Eustáquio Soares | Outras Palavras
Du néolibéralisme au néoviralisme [French]
Jean-Luc Nancy | Libération
« En sortir » — mais de quoi et par où ? [French]
Frédéric Lordon | Le Monde diplomatique
Edgar Morin: sull’epidemia [Italian]
Nicolas Truong | Cambiailmondo