The Politics of COVID-19, Readings #42
The most important contributions on the political, economic, and social effects of the unfolding crisis.
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The unabridged Part 42 (281 item) of the Reading List.
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The podcasts.
The main weekly editions.
Ethics of instantaneous contract tracing using mobile phone apps in the control of the COVID-19 pandemic
Michael J Parker | Journal of Medical Ethics
Which Workers Bear the Burden of Social Distancing Policies?
Simon Mongey | NBER
Politics and Science: The Case of China and the Coronavirus
Kerry Brown, Ruby Congjiang Wang | Asian Affairs
COVID-19 and Deglobalisation [Podcast]
Peter Watkins, Linda Yueh | LSE Podcasts
The pandemic adds momentum to the deglobalisation trend
Douglas Irwin | VOX EU
What will our cities and urban spaces look like after COVID-19? [Podcast]
Melanie Davern | Life Matters
Money in Politics, COVID-19 and the Future of Democracy [Video]
Julia Cagé | Stigler Center
Das wird teuer – Jetzt kaufen auch Schweizer Konzerne lokal ein [German]
Angelika Gruber, Isabel Strassheim | Berner Zeitung
Alain Deneault : «Il devient impératif de redéfinir le mot "économie"» [French]
Alternative Révolutionnaire Communiste
La monetizzazione del disavanzo nella letteratura macroeconomica recente [Italian]
Fulvio Corsi | Asimmetrie
Social Toll
COVID-19 and the Color Line
Colin Gordon | Boston Review
The Criminalization of COVID-19 is Happening in New Orleans. We Have Been Here Before.
S. Mandisa Moore-O’Neal | The Body
Navajo Nation is behind only New York and New Jersey in rates of COVID-19 infection. What happened?
Delilah Friedler | Mother Jones
Rassismus im Gesundheitswesen: Das Virus ist nicht egalitär [German]
Matej Snethlage | taz
Ammalarsi di paura. L'«effetto nocebo» dello #stareincasa e della malainformazione sul coronavirus [Italian]
Stefania Consigliere | Wuming Foundation
Governing through insecurity: what COVID 19 tells us about precarity under (neo)liberalism
Natalie Langford | Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute
Coronavirus has exposed the dangerous failings of NHS marketisation
David McCoy | The Guardian
Ils ne lâcheront rien [French]
Frédéric Lordon | Les blogs du Diplo
Os desafios da pandemia em meio ao desmonte neoliberal no país [Portuguese]
Esther Dweck | Nexo Jornal
A face trágica do capitalismo: guerra e vírus, destino e liberdade [Portuguese]
Lindberg Campos | Blog da Boitempo
Covid-19: In urban India, the elderly are grappling with hunger and fears of dying alone
Parul Agarwal, | Scroll
Brazil’s President Goes to War With Democratic Institutions — And Hopes the Military Has His Back
Andrew Fishman | The Intercept
Cruel Britannia: Coronavirus lays waste to British exceptionalism
Otto English | Politico Europe
Public Sphere
Op-ed: Covering science at dangerous speeds
Ivan Oransky | Columbia Journalism Review
We can't let coronavirus kill our cities. Here's how we can save urban life
Jonathan Daly | The Conversation
Hope and Shamelessness
Gal Katz | The Point
Byung-Chul Han et le retour de l’ennemi [French]
Régis Debray | Philosophie Magazine
Pandemics Change Cities: Municipal Spending and Voter Extremism in Germany, 1918-1933
Kristian S. Blickle | Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Why COVID-19 can—and should—change how our cities are designed
Nia Puliyel | The Caravan
Covid-19 Reignites a Contentious Debate Over Bats and Disease
Katherine J. Wu | Undark
Sepultados bajo la mayor avalancha de estudios científicos [Spanish]
Javier Salas | El País
Jane Goodall: «In Africa rischio di catastrofe per uomini e animali» [Italian]
Stella Levantesi | il manifesto
Inventário da quarentena [Portuguese]
Luciana Genro | Revista Movimento
3D printing finally found its market, and all it took was a pandemic
Mike Murphy | Protocol
The coronavirus might finally kill off electric scooter startups
Jared Newman | Fast Company
Datenschutz: "Wenn Sie ein Handy haben, sind Sie doch ohnehin schon überwacht" [German]
Thomas Fischermann | Die Zeit
Class & Labour
Meatpackers are deeply vulnerable to COVID-19. Expect a reckoning for US workers
Paul Apostolidis | LSE Covid-19
The Worker Mini-Revolts of the 21st Century
Jeremy Brecher | Labor Notes
Corona und Gehalt: „Vielen nicht klar, wie wenig sie wirklich verdienen“ [German]
Sabine Menkens | WELT
Desigualdade de contaminação põe pressão em reabertura e coloca pobres em risco, diz estudo [Portuguese]
Thiago Amâncio | Folha de S.Paulo
Public Health
Japan’s health system exposed as empty hospitals reject Covid-19 patients
Robin Harding | Financial Times
The foot soldiers of Kerala’s Covid-19 battle, 26,000 women who won’t overlook any detail
Vishnu Varma | Indian Express
The coronavirus pandemic is pushing America into a mental health crisis
William Wan | The Washington Post
Se alquila Organización Mundial de la Salud: China, EE. UU. y la politización de la salud [Spanish]
Álvaro Merino | El Orden Mundial
Will COVID-19 fiscal recovery packages accelerate or retard progress on climate change?
Cameron Hepburn et al. | Oxford Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment
Remote work is a huge opportunity for high-impact climate policy
Matt Butner, Jayni Hein | Quartz
Leben im Anthropozän: Die Pandemie ist kein Überfall von Außerirdischen [German]
Bernd Scherer | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
L’ecofascismo si sta impossessando del dibattito ambientale [Italian]
Viola Serena Stefanello | The Vision
What is the Impact of Coronavirus on Technocracies? [Podcast]
James Crabtree | Keen On
When Freedom of the Press is Stricken With the Coronavirus
Sanjoy Ghose, Rhishabh Jetley | The Wire
Il “governo della peste”: la retorica dell’unità nazionale e la sparizione della sinistra critica [Italian]
Alessandra Algostino, Tomaso Montanari | la Repubblica