The Politics of COVID-19, Readings #14
The most important contributions on the political, economic, and social effects of the unfolding crisis.
The searchable archive of all the 1500+ items we have featured in the past two weeks is here.
The unabridged version of Part 14 of the Reading List is here.
A list of the podcasts that we have featured is also available.
Vitriol and violence: A coronavirus death exposes paranoia in India
Devjyot Ghoshal, Subrata Nagchoudhury | Reuters
We Ugandans are used to lockdowns and poor healthcare. But we’re terrified
Patience Akumu | The Guardian
Coronavírus coloca em xeque o bem-estar social escandinavo [Portuguese]
Miguel ángel García Vega | El País Brasil
This is a Global Pandemic – Let’s Treat it as Such
Adam Hanieh | Verso Books Blog
Il rischio adesso è la pandemia della mente [Italian]
Donatella Di Cesare | il manifesto
The Surprising History of the Wildlife Trade That May Have Sparked the Coronavirus
Brian J. Barth | Mother Jones
Class & Labour
Viral Inequality
Ian Goldin, Robert Muggah | Project Syndicate
Soziale Ungleichheit: Maßnahmen gegen das Coronavirus treffen nicht alle gleich [German]
Anonymous | Deutschlandfunk
Social Toll
Undocumented in Lebanon: No papers, no coronavirus test
Timour Azhari | Al Jazeera
El peaje psicológico de la cuarentena en Wuhan [Spanish]
Ismael Arana | La Vanguardia
The World Is Changing — So Can We
David Byrne | Reasons to be Cheerful
The Coronavirus Pandemic Makes the Case for Criminal Justice Reform
Akela Lacy | The Intercept
Economic Policy
Could the wealth in tax havens help us pay for the Coronavirus response?
Nick Shaxson | Tax Justice Network
The Trump economy is not worth more coronavirus deaths
Robert Reich | The Guardian
Public Sphere
How coronavirus lies are spread [Podcast]
Stephen Stockwell | The Signal - ABC Radio
Style populiste et méthode scientifique [French]
Xavier Olessa-Daragon | Le Grand Continent
Can Asia’s infectious disease-producing wildlife trade be stopped?
Brian Barth | Grist
«Le changement climatique va énormément mettre nos hôpitaux sous pression» [French]
Sébastien Billard | L'Obs
Alain Touraine. “Esta crisis va a empujar hacia arriba a los cuidadores” [Spanish]
Marc Bassets | El País
AI and big data won’t work miracles in the fight against coronavirus
Devin Coldewey | TechCrunch
Airbnb geht wegen Corona die Luft aus [German]
David Strohm | NZZ am Sonntag
Longer-run economic consequences of pandemics
Sanjay R. Singh et al. | University of California, Davis
COVID-19, SARS and MERS: are they closely related?
Nicola Petrosillo et al. | Clinical Microbiology and Infection
COVID-19, Historical Pandemics, and the Legal Limitations of Quarantine [Podcast]
Michael Sinha | Ipse Dixit
There’s No “Trade-Off” Between Saving Lives and Saving the Economy
Peter Dreier | Public Seminar
Coronavirus: L’état d’urgence sanitaire ouvre des brèches dans l’Etat de droit [French]
Jean-Baptiste Jacquin | Le Monde
Reproductive rights in the time of COVID-19
Cassandra Yuill | Somatosphere
Class & Inequality
Workers Are Warriors in the Fight Against the Coronavirus
Jeet Heer | The Nation
Nas favelas, moradores passam fome e começam a sair às ruas [Portuguese]
| Folha de S. Paulo
Public Health
This is how my team isolated the new coronavirus to fight the global pandemic
Karen Mossman | The Print
Por qué la economía debe estar al servicio de la salud [Spanish]
Nicolás Pertierra | Ámbito